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house rules

Welcome. now behave.

We're glad you're here, but rules is rules.


We both work full-time from home. If you’re here during the day, please keep noise to a minimum.

Please ask before using any of the upstairs facilities (kitchen, laundry room, craft room).

Children must be supervised AT ALL TIMES.

No smoking, unprescribed medications, or illegal activity on the property at any time. Alcohol is allowed if used in moderation and properly shared.

No pets are allowed.

Please be respectful of our neighbors as you come and go. The speed limit is 20 MPH. Deer have the right of way. There are numerous red-light cameras between here and Kingsport. Be aware and drive safely.

Other than entry and exit to your room(s) or access to the refrigerator, the garage is off-limits. Do not touch any of the shop equipment, motorcycle, or any other items in there.

You will receive a code to unlock the door to the garage so you can come and go as you please. If you have any problems, call me at the number in the confirmation email.

In case of an emergency weather situation, there is a safe room at the back of the downstairs garage.

The deck is open 24-hours a day but be aware that our bedroom is next to it. Feel free to use it whenever you wish. If you want to use the grill or fire table, please ask for instructions first.

You are welcome to use any of our kitchen appliances or utensils. Just ask.

We love kids but be aware that our home is NOT childproofed.

We go to bed early and get up early. Please keep that in mind when on the deck at night.

Legal weapons are allowed on our property however please keep them concealed and properly secured when you are not carrying them.

Please clean up after yourself. Food and drink items should be properly disposed of immediately.